Our software accumulated more than one million mp3 songs from all over the world. You will not find a famous artist here, instead of that, we offer a large collection of artists, which is not recognized yet. Give them a chance, try music that is not played on the radio and tv YET. All the music is HQ, all the songs are completely free. You can freely listen to and download them (not for commercial use, if you need to use any lane for commercial purposes, please visit http://jamendo.com website, which is the data provider for our application, and purchase a license for commercial discharging). So, download now and enjoy the musicThis application is the best you can get to listen to independent artists. This maximizes creativity, and inspire musicians and music lovers.supported by Outly Limited and Jamendo (http://jamendo.com), Application allows for streaming and download any song NONE FOR COMMERCIAL USE ONLY!Among the main features: Trip
+ Lyrics available if the song is not instrumental.+ Very fast and powerful multithreaded mp3 download engine.+ Flexible search possibilities (search by song, artist, album, genre, instrument, mood, popularity and more). please, look at the screen shot for details.+ Youll find music for any taste and any with our application.+ Mp3 music download easier!+ Administered, high quality grouping of tracks by genre, instrument, mood. All genres, for example, Pop, Rock, Rap, RnB, dubstep, drum, all the instruments, such as guitar, piano, violin, drums, synthesizer, saxophone and many more, are available in a flexible search engine! Please, see screen shot.+ Large data sets, more than one million high quality mp3 songs. One of the largest free mp3 music storage.+ All the songs are verified, and are available for personal use (not for commercial purposes!).